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Specialty Rosaries > Mission Rosary
Mission Rosary

The product you selected is currently unavailable.

Price: $10.00
Prod. Code: 002SR

The purpose of the Mission Rosary is to pray for world peace and conversion through Catholic missionary efforts around the world. Each color of the rosary represents a different part of the world, united in Christ:

GREEN for the forest and grasslands of Africa

BLUE for the ocean surrounding the Islands of the Pacific

WHITE symbolizing Europe, the seat of the Holy Father, Shepherd of the world

RED calling to mind the fire of faith that brought missionaries to the Americas

YELLOW, the morning light of the East, for Asia

Each is durably crafted for many years of use. Their value price allows them to be perfect giveaways or used as fundraisers in support of missionary efforts in all parts of the world.

-- Moulded 7 mm Oval Bead -- 19" L, 1 1/4" Crucifix

We're sorry, this item is on backorder.*
The expected shipping date is April 15, 2011

 There are some items that may not be available at our home office and we will need to contact one of our various suppliers to get the item(s) you have ordered.  This may require additional shipping time to get your order to your shipping address.  Thank you for your patience.

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