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One Decade Rosaries - For your Car

Have you ever been stuck in traffic?  Who hasn't?!  Instead of getting upset about the traffic jam and not being able to do anything about it, why not say a decade of the rosary?  It will keep you relaxed and stress-free and before you know it, you'll be on your way again!

Please note that if these One Decade Rosaries for your car are a distraction while hanging from your rear-view mirror, just keep it in your car glove box or on your keychain!


God our Father, be with us now as we travel. Be our safety every mile of the way. Make us attentive, cautious and concerned about our fellow travelers. Make our highways safe and keep us from all danger. Guide us to our destination for today, and may it bring us one day closer to our final destination with you. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.      Sacred Heart Auto League


Driver's Prayer

Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me
a steady hand and watchful eye,
that none be hurt as I pass by.
Thou givest life. I pray no act of mine
take away or mar that gift Divine.
Protect those, Lord, who travel with me
from highway dangers and all anxiety.
Teach me to use my car for others' needs
and never miss the beauty of Thy
world through excessive speed.
I pledge to drive with loving concern
to my every destination,
offering each travel hour to Thee
in a spirit of reparation.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
my auto Companion,
have mercy on me.

Sacred Heart Auto League


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