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Rosaries and Accessories for Children > My First Rosary Plush Teething Toy
My First Rosary Plush Teething Toy

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Price: $19.95
Prod. Code: 025CR

My First Rosary
Plush Teething Toy

No better way to introduce the Holy Rosary!
Featuring 10 fluffy “Rosary beads” and a soft “cross”, your baby will enjoy tugging, reaching for, and chewing on this plush toy.

The center ring contains two rattles and the cross contains crinkle for added enjoyment and stimulation. The accompanying tag includes information about the praying the Rosary.

Meets and exceeds all applicable U.S., Canadian, and European safety standards.

Plush Poly-fiber/Flexible Vinyl Teething Ring
7" x 5 3/4"
Hand wash, Flat dry

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