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Return/Refund Policy

You may return an item for refund or replacement within 30 days of the shipment date. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. All returns must be accompanied by the packing slip. When you return an item, follow the instructions on the packing slip, and most importantly, please indicate the reason for the return. Please wrap the item securely in the original packaging. You may want to insure your return; we cannot be responsible for lost or misdirected returns. If you paid for your order by credit card, a credit will be issued and will appear on your billing statement.

Your packing slip will indicate where you need to send your return. In general, though, you may return merchandise to:
Attention: Returns
7961 Howe Road
Burlington, KY 41005

If you have any questions regarding your order, please feel free to contact us at:
HowToPrayTheRosary@gmail.com or by calling 1-859-750-3236.

 There are some items that may not be available at our home office and we will need to contact one of our various suppliers to get the item(s) you have ordered.  This may require additional shipping time to get your order to your shipping address.  Thank you for your patience.

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