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Specialty Rosaries > Holy Souls Rosary
Holy Souls Rosary

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Price: $19.95
Prod. Code: 003SR

When one prays this particular Rosary, one begins by praying the first decade of the black beads, conscious of the fact that the sould is in purgatory, a place of darkness.  As you pray the Rosary, you move into the dark gray beads, then to the medium gray beads, then to the light gray beads.  Finally, you pray the fifth decade on the white beads, conscious of the gast that by your prayer, sould are being released from darkness and given the light of the Holy Spirit.  As these souls enter heaven, they then remember you in prayer until you are also safely home with God, Our Lady, and all the blessed saints and angels in glory.

Invoking Our Lady's powerful intercession, you could use the Holy Souls Rosary throughout the months of October and November, with the goal of releasing a soul from purgatory each time you recite the Rosary.  You may also know of a friend or family member who would love to use such a rosary to pray for the Holy Souls.

Source:  Holy Souls Solidarity, For Heaven's Sake newsletter, Vol. 4, Number 9, September, 2013

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