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Rosary Books > Joy of the Rosary A Way into Meditative Prayer
Joy of the Rosary A Way into Meditative Prayer

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Price: $8.95
Prod. Code: 010RB

By:  Anne Vail

Liguori Publications / 1998 / Paperback

Though simple and effective, the rosary provides much more than a means of rote and mechanistic prayer. It is instead a way of walking with Mary and her son Jesus through His birth, death, and Resurrection. This delightful and illuminating book offers an invitation to a renewed appreciation of the rosary.  Joy of the Rosary offers insights to help readers pray the Rosary more meaningfully, more devotedly, and more effectively. It includes: A brief history of the origins of the rosary; How Our Lady’s Psalter was transformed into the rosary we know today; Suggestions for times and places to pray the rosary; Full text of all the prayers included in the rosary; Meditations and prayers for each of the fifteen mysteries; and Scriptural references for each of the mysteries.

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