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Rosary Books > Your Own Mysteries - Praying your life through the rosary
Your Own Mysteries - Praying your life through the rosary

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Price: $8.95
Prod. Code: 012RB

Philip Armstrong shows you how to use your own imagination plus some divine inspiration to create new mysteries that have personal meaning just for you.


The Rosary is meant to be a prayer that leads us to Christ and into union with God.  If it only locks us into a meaningless circle of mechanically recited prayers, the Rosary is not achieving its purpose.  And Mary would be the first one to tell us to find a better way to God.

We should feel comfortable allowing ourselves a certain flexibility with the Rosary, as the US Bishops noted in their 1973 pastoral letter, Behold Your Mother:  Woman of Faith.  “Besides the precise Rosary pattern long known to Catholics,” they write, “we can freely experiment.  New sets of mysteries are possible.”

                                                                                                           Thomas Thompson, S.M.

                                                                                                               and Jack Wintz, O.F.M.

                                                                                                         Catholic Update, July 2002


Read these inspiring passages about the following alternative Mysteries:

The Wondrous Mysteries

The Vocation Mysteries

The Golden Rule Mysteries

The Rites of Passage Mysteries

The Hidden Life Mysteries

The Wit and Wisdom Mysteries


Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 128
Vendor: Ave Maria Press
Publication Date: 2004
Dimensions: 7 X 5 (inches)

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