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Rosary Books > The Rosary: The Chain of Hope
The Rosary:  The Chain of Hope

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Price: $13.95
Prod. Code: 017RB

By:  Benedict Goreschel
Ignatius Press / 2003 / Paperback

In the fall of 2002 the Catholic world, and even the secular media, all expressed a delighted surprise and enthusiasm when Pope John Paul II announced he was introducing five new mysteries of the Rosary. These new "Luminous Mysteries" have inspired Fr. Benedict Groeschel to write this new book of profound meditations on all 20 mysteries of the Rosary. Speaking from personal experiences as well as from the grand traditions of the Church, Fr. Groeschel takes us on a spiritual journey that will move the reader to greater depths of faith. He presents a new look at the meaning and history of all 20 mysteries, focusing on the theme of "hope." Accompanied by the full text of Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter on the Rosary, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, this book is a jewel of spiritual insight that will continue to inspire for years to come. Illustrated with 20 beautiful classic color paintings.

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 170
Vendor: Ignatius Press
Publication Date: 2003

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