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Rosary Books > Mysteries in My Hands
Mysteries in My Hands

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Price: $9.99
Prod. Code: 025RB

By:  Maureen P. Provencher
Saint Mary's Press / Paperback
This is a book for today's teens who want to learn how to pray the rosary. The reader will discover why this prayer process is important to our Catholic faith by understanding how the practice came to be. Scripture references, the prayers used in the rosary, and a detailed outline of the beads are included. The connections between Jesus' and Mary's stories as well as reflective writings from young people and adults introduce readers to the importance of the rosary today. As the rosary returns to a place of renewed meaning, this book will be a useful tool for teaching young people the basics of a well-loved tradition.
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 88
Vendor: Saint Mary's Press

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