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Rosary Books > The Rosary in Space and Time
The Rosary in Space and Time

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Price: $19.95
Prod. Code: 031RB

Ruth Rees immerses the reader into a culture of rosary praying by giving an excellent pastoral resource that is intelligent and evocative for those who want to pray. In The Rosary in Space and Time she brings us into direct contact with practical details of daily life for a Jewish family in the time of Christ, providing real images to form the basis of meditation on each mystery.

Scrupulously attentive to both history and tradition, her insights from her Jewish past are invaluable aids to anyone seeking a more profound understanding of the Jewishness of not only the Blessed Mother but also of Joseph, Jesus, and the apostles.

Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages.

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